We recognise and value the importance of PSHE and SRE in helping our children become the best versions of themselves – preparing them as citizens of the future, equipped to deal with the ever-changing wider world whilst maintaining positive emotional health. As part of their Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship studies our pupils are prepared for the next stage in their journey and for adult life. Through our whole school approach to PSHE we ensure that the subject is given the importance it deserves and that it is valued by all pupils and staff.
Through PSHE, but not exclusively, we consider our pupil’s cultural capital needs and explore and exploit these where appropriate. There is a high importance placed on mental wellbeing and emotional health and this underpins all of the work we do at Hunton & Arrathorne School.
PSHE is taught each week using SCARF Coram Education program of study in Years 1 to 6, and during the summer term in Reception. The SCARF program of study is very comprehensive and yet flexible, enabling teachers to select and adapt lessons which best meet the local circumstances of our school and a particular cohort of children. SCARF allows pupils to develop skills under several umbrellas – Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship. Lessons cover all of the DfE’s statutory requirements for Sex and Relationships Education and the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study’s recommended learning opportunities.
PSHE consists of many elements: health and wellbeing: both mental and physical, relationships: understanding ourselves and others around us and living in the wider world: building a respect and understanding of those around us.
By its nature, PSHE involves much discussion and collaboration. The use of ‘circle time’, where children agree a set of rules for their discussions, is a core concept in the majority of lessons where children speak confidently about their views, ideas and opinions.
Developing responsible citizens is also interwoven within other curriculum areas. For example, when children are taken on a trip, they are to be encouraged to show respect for all members of the public and visit leaders listening and showing appreciation for their time, understanding and respecting the Laws of England Cross-curricular links are made where appropriate, such as in PE: discussions about healthy lifestyles; computing: applying knowledge of keeping ourselves safe online and RE: developing an understanding and respect for all religious beliefs.
In conjunction with RE, PSHE makes a significant contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development, their behaviour and safety and to their emotional wellbeing. It contributes to personal development by helping pupils to build their confidence, resilience and self-esteem, and to identify and manage risk; make informed choices and understand what influences their decisions. It enables children to recognise, accept and shape their identities; to understand and accommodate difference and change; to manage emotions and to communicate constructively in a variety of settings. Children grow an understanding of themselves, learning how to empathise and work with others. This helps pupils to form and maintain good relationships, develop the essential skills for future employability, enabling them to enjoy and manage their lives.
Each pupil has a PSHE Passport which follows them from Reception – Year 6. You will find a PSHE Big Book in each classroom.
British Values
Our British Values are integrated throughout our PSHE curriculum and are embedded into the ethos of our school. We cover our British Values through weekly worships, weekly news assemblies, stories and during PSHE lessons. For further information on how British Values are linked to all aspects of our school curriculum, please see the separate document on our school website under the PSHE and British Values pages.
No Outsiders
An important aspect of our PSHE work and wider school life, is our subscription to the ‘No Outsiders’ scheme. This scheme uses pictures, news articles and picture books to open our pupil’s eyes into diverse cultures, relationships, people and aspects of life in Modern Britain. ‘No Outsiders’ lessons are taught half termly and followed up with weekly Key Stage assemblies which are stimulated by ‘No Outsiders’ resources. Further details of key ‘No Outsiders’ texts can be found below.
We ensure the children:
- Children will achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life;
- Children will grow in their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence
- Our children will to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England.
- Learn how to Be Safe.
- Children will take responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely.
Our PSHE work is celebrated not just in lessons, but in wider school life. Through weekly ‘News Assembly’ pupils learn about current issues; pupil leadership is given a high priority with leadership groups running including ‘Sports Leaders’ and the ‘Pupil Leadership Team’ who work on improving whole school issues.