School is open from 8.00am – 5.00pm (4.30pm on a Friday) for children accessing Wraparound Care.
Currently, the statutory school day begins at 8.45am (morning registration) and ends at 3.15pm which totals 32.5 hours.
The main gates are opened at 8.45am. Each day begins with pupils completing arithmetic activities. Following this each class has a structured phonics or reading session until 9.30am.
During the morning sessions Mathematics and English are taught. At 11.45am the whole school stops for ‘Story Time’. All pupils have a break during the morning session – for the younger children this is at 10.25am, and for older pupils at 10.40am.
Lunchtime is from between 12.00-1.00pm, which is when afternoon sessions start.
We gather for a school assembly on a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
School finishes at 3.15pm for all children. Robin Class are collected from their classroom gate; Kingfisher Class from the rear cloakroom door; Partridge Class from their fire exit and Woodpecker Class from the main entrance door.