One of our Curriculum Aims, which is interwoven throughout the entire curriculum, is for children to be ‘Happy and Healthy’.
We strive in delivering outstanding PE that allows pupils to be physically active, thrive in a broad range of physical activities and engage in competitive sports in a safe and challenging environment.
Our intent is for pupils to:
- Thoroughly enjoy being physically active and have the confidence to participate in different sports
- Practise skills in a range of activities and to have the
highest of expectations of themselves when performing these individually, in small groups and within a team
- Develop high levels of physical fitness through being active for sustained periods of time
- Understand the important of leading a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise and healthy nutrition
- Be advocates of PE and confidently talk about their achievements
- Experience a broad diet of P.E and School Sport through curriculum and enhanced time.
- Engage in a variety of competitive activity, including competing against personal bests, competing against others and competing as part of a team.
At Hunton & Arrathorne, we place children’s health and physical fitness at the heart of our learning experiences. We are committed to ensuring that all of our children have access to at least three hour’s physical activity per week – some of this through timetabled P.E lessons and some through extracurricular activities and active playtimes. Each class has access to two hours of high-quality P.E. lessons per week. Both sessions will follow our progression documents to ensure a wide coverage of skills are being taught. Teacher-led sessions will be supplemented by the use of the ‘Get Set 4 PE’ scheme which provides teachers with detailed lesson plans, progression documents (including progression in both skills and knowledge being taught for each unit) and vocabulary documents to help develop their teaching in P.E. Each lesson begins by discussing key knowledge, key vocabulary and reflecting on how previously taught skills will be built upon and applied through today’s lesson. This is further supplemented by visits and visitors – for example each class has the opportunity to work with a dance coach. We establish close links with external specialised coaches including tennis, cricket and golf. We firmly believe the P.E curriculum at Hunton & Arrathorne is broad and balanced with requirements for both the KS1 and KS2 curriculum addressed in full.
The structure of the long-term plan allows our children to develop the fundamental skills in Key Stage 1, skills which are later applied to various sports throughout Key Stage 2 in a competitive context. Knowledge of health and fitness runs throughout all aspects of the curriculum. We have explored links between subjects such as science, mathematics and design and technology which further enhances the children’s ability to value health and fitness, linking closely to our intent.
Children in Reception access physical development through the outdoor area and regular work in class. They access balance bikes once per day and participate in age-appropriate PE sessions alongside their peers in Year 1. Key Stage 2 children have the opportunity to swim for one term per year. In the Summer Term, Y5 & Y6 children revisit the pool to work on essential lifesaving skills for six weeks. We also have a fully-qualified Forest Schools Instructor which means outdoor learning is enhanced on a regular basis.
As well as our school’s own long-term planning and the provision of visits and visitors, progression in P.E is further enhanced through our School Sports Partnership work, aligning our curriculum and extra-curricular offer with competition timetables. We proudly work in partnership with the local community to deliver our P.E curriculum – using the village hall on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon for lessons. We use the school grounds and invest sensibly in equipment which the children respect and look after.
Alongside the core curriculum P.E offer, Sports Leaders offer active break-times and lunchtimes and take responsibility for organising physical wellbeing activities. A range of extra-curricular activities are also offered, most of which are paid for by school, and uptake is increasing.
We assess the impact of Physical Education and Sport at our school in a variety of ways, including:
- We aim for all children make outstanding progress in PE and enjoy participating in sport.
- The profile of PE and sport is widely recognised and highly celebrated within school.
- Termly tracking of standards across the curriculum using Insight.
- Staff have increased confidence when delivering high quality PE lessons.
- Children’s’ ability to speak confidently and articulately about Sport and PE.
Have a wide understanding of technical skills which they are able to apply confidently during lessons.