01677 450342


Children are required to attend school from the start of the term following their fourth birthday. All of our new starters begin school in the September following their fourth birthday. 

Once children have their place confirmed, our comprehensive transition programme begins. This includes visits to our school; school staff visiting children in their nursery setting or at home and parents information evenings. We know what a huge step joining school is for children and are committed to working together to make this as successful as possible.

At our school, as in most schools in North Yorkshire, the Local Authority manage the admission process. This includes all admissions to school – whether you are moving into the area during the year or if your child is about to start school in September.

If you have any other questions our school staff are always happy to help; please contact the school office on 01677 450432 or email admin@huntonarrathorne.n-yorks.sch.uk – we are always happy to show you around.

Please visit the NYCC Admissions website to apply for a place:


The pupil admissions number for September 2021 is 10.

Admissions Information

For school admissions information and access to an electronic application form, please use this link to visit the School Admissions page of the North Yorkshire County Council website.

You can use north Yorkshire County Council interactive maps to find out what catchment area you live in.


For further information please refer to our admissions policy.