01677 450342

Professional Development

At Hunton & Arrathorne Community Primary School, we place a high priority on providing our staff with focussed continued professional development in our drive to be outstanding. We ensure CPD is inspiring and relevant. This impacts on the delivery of our curriculum and is visible within lessons across the school.

Our CPD strategy has four strands which run throughout:

  • Knowledge of an excellent safeguarding culture.
  • Subject knowledge CPD
  • Pedagogical knowledge (knowledge of teaching)
  • Subject pedagogical knowledge (how to teach an aspect of the curriculum)


All staff receive termly safeguarding training from school leaders. Alongside this, all staff and governors receive weekly e-updates which are followed by a low stakes quiz. This ensures our knowledge is kept up-to-date and reflects contextual safeguarding issues within our school and environment. Staff also access external safeguarding CPD ensuring we remain focussed on the latest information. 

Staff Meetings (CPD Meetings)

Weekly staff meetings cover a wide variety of subject, pedagogical and subject pedagogical knowledge. They are often led by specialist subject leaders or are accessed through external providers who ensure our practice remains the best it can possibly be. In addition to this, half-termly support staff meetings delivered, by senior and middle leaders, ensure all staff are aware of the latest pedagogical developments.

Internal CPD

Staff access a variety of additional CPD to support their pedagogical development internally. This includes termly ‘peer mornings’ where staff have the opportunity to share and observe best practice across the school in an informal and supportive way; subject leaders have dedicated leadership time each term to develop, share and observe best practice in their subject; and working collaboratively with North Yorkshire Improvement Advisers to ensure teaching and learning across the school is outstanding. 

External CPD

School accesses training from a variety of external sources. These include subject leaders attending Swaledale Alliance network meetings; specialist training in our Phonics programme ‘Little Wandle’; attendance at Maths Hubs Teacher Research Groups and CPD meetings offered by North Yorkshire Council. We are also outward looking and staff regularly visit other settings to be inspired by best practice.

Early Career Teachers

Early Career Teachers are well supported through a comprehensive induction programme. This allows them to work alongside experienced staff and leaders to craft their classroom practice and ensure teaching and learning remains consistent across school. Supported by Red Kite Teaching Hub, we have an excellent track record of developing Early Career Teachers. 

School-to-School Support

Three members of our teaching team are also Peer Support Leaders for the Swaledale Alliance. This involves them offering support to colleagues in other schools in areas of their specialism. Our staff also work alongside the Local Authority on end of key stage moderation and are always keen to host visits from colleagues.