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Pupil Leadership

We are proud of the opportunities pupils have to lead and be change-makers at our school. Pupils from all year groups have the opportunities to join one of our many leadership groups who meet regularly with school staff to provide the voice of the pupils.

Pupil Leadership Team

Our Pupil Leadership Team includes a member of each year group. They meet monthly with Mrs. Thewsey and are committed to making changes to the school at every level. They raise money for charity, discuss with their peers how to better our school environment, arrange fun activities and are responsible for making our school the special place it is.

So far this year they have:

  • Organised and raised money through ‘Children in Need’.
  • Organised events and raised money through ‘Genes for Jeans’ Day.
  • Written to, and obtained donations from, local businesses to support our outdoor area.
  • Organised fundraising events.
  • Been responsible for the addition of a mirror in the girl’s bathroom.
  • Minutes of the Pupil Leadership Team meetings are available on request

Eco Schools

Our ‘Eco Team’ are incredibly proud of our school – but also of the world we live in.

They meet regularly with Miss Laws and monitor how environmentally friendly we are as a school. As well as monitoring in school, they are also committed to making a difference to the wider world.

They implement actions from their ‘Eco Action Plan’. The strands currently include marine, transport, global citizenship, water and waste.

Wellbeing Warriors

Our Wellbeing Warriors are passionate about the wellbeing of pupils and staff in school. They meet fortnightly with Mrs. Donnelly and think about ways to improve the healthy mindset of our school.

So far they have:

  • Introduced a Mindfulness Colouring option for people who want calmer options at breaktimes
  • Created ‘Care Boxes’ where people can place worries or thoughts which they would like to discuss with Mrs. Donnelly.
  • Organised a ‘Wellbeing Picnic’
  • Began to investigate ways to fundraise in order to further develop our quiet spaces around school.

For more information, or to arrange a meeting with a Wellbeing Warrior, please do let us know.

Team Captains

Team Captain responsibility is given to Year 6 pupils who hope to lead their team to victory. All children are in three houses named after local castles: Bolton, Richmond and Middleham. Team Captains promote excellence in their team, support younger pupils and create the ‘winners chant’ which is performed by the winning team in Celebration Assembly.

One of the most important jobs that the Team Captains have are to decide on the ‘Termly Charity’ – they then work in their teams to fundraise for this charity. In the autumn term, we choose to fundraise for a local charity; in the spring a national charity, and in the summer a global charity.