01677 450342

Extra Curricular Clubs

We are pleased to offer a wide variety of extra curricular clubs and enrichment activities – we have an extra-curricular club available after school every evening, and on lunchtimes. This is in addition to our Wraparound Club. We believe these opportunities are key to enhancing the personal development of our pupils.

Current lunchtime clubs (Summer) include:

  • Skipping Club
  • Craft Club
  • Colouring Club
  • Hunton Heroes
  • Wellbeing Warriors

Current after-school clubs (Spring) include:

  • Sports Club (KS1)
  • Sports Club (KS2)
  • Dodgeball Club (KS1)
  • Art Club with Chris Layfield (KS2)
  • Games Club (All)

    Extra-curricular clubs which have ran this year include:

  • Recorder Club
  • Handbell Club
  • Board Games Club
  • Junk Modelling Club
  • Yoga Club
  • Nature Detectives Club
  • Photography Club
  • Orienteering Club
  • Cross-Stitch Club
  • Sewing Club
  • Netball Club
  • Quiz Club
  • Science Club
  • Cookery Club

 We are always open to suggestions of clubs pupils and parents/carers would like us to offer.