01677 450342


The safety and welfare of all children is at the forefront of all we do at Hunton & Arrathorne Community Primary School. All schools in North Yorkshire, including ours, follow the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Board (NYSCB) procedures. The school will, in most circumstances, aim to discuss all concerns with parents about their child/ren.  However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with Social Care and/or the Police without parental knowledge (in accordance with Child Protection procedures).  The school will, of course, always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents.

If you are worried, or have concerns about a child, please speak to one of the team mentioned below:

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mr Sam Donaldson)

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mr Gavin Cope)

The Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding (Mrs Louise Wyatt)

The documents below provide further information about our commitment to Safeguarding and Child Protection.


Safeguarding Links:

Our School: